Monday, 11 August 2014

Kids Art @myartsandcreatives 2014 - "Rainforest"

I've to explain what I'm doing(!) with my art classes bcoz parents deserve it(yesss, otherwise they'll call me crazy(?) and also this is a Shameless Self Promotion before anyone claims these as their works, yes it happens!) haha.....

In the current kids art class 2014, the first module is dedicated to drawing. We did many projects and my prime motive for the drawing module is:

* To make drawing more interesting,
* To generalize the drawing steps to a certain extent (although all subjects cannot be drawn with the    same steps)
* To exaggerate the specialty/uniqueness in each subject,
* To combine similar subjects to form a meaningful theme project,
* To use many fun techniques/effects in the projects,
* To use different medium for every project.

Having said these, I impose myself a set of these not-to-overcome rules!!

Our previous projects are about Dinos, Reptiles, Aquatic series, Birds, Farm Animals(more about them later).

The project we just finished is "Rainforest" about Wild animals. I designed this concept again with all the above "rules", but decided it should be grand and different from the previous ones. I made a lot of trial and errors as this involves 20+ students of all age groups, initially I'm a little reluctant bcoz I knew I had to cut 250+ drawings.....but decided to give it a go as the kids will enjoy this one as much as me!

This one as expected turned out fantastic, I'm very satisfied to see the happy kids showing their works to their happy parents!!

Concept: Wild Animals in 3D Rainforest
Medium: Liquid watercolors,
Techniques learnt: Painting with 2 or more colors,
                           Salt effects on Watercolor,
                           Drawing & Painting background for forest.

Here's the result:

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